District Profile
Sikar is situated in North part of Rajasthan between 27021 to 28012 North latitude and 74044 to 75025 East longitudes. The neighboring district of Sikar are Churu in North West, Jhunjhunu in North East, Nagaur in South West and Jaipur in South East. Sikar is a rainfed and drought prone district situated in transitional plain of inland drainage zone IIa.
Climate and rainfall : Owing to Sikar being situated in semi arid plains of Rajasthan, there is large variation in temperature during the day and night and also during the season. Maximum temperature goes beyond 450 c in the month of June and minimum temperature falls as low as 0.50 c in the month of December and January. The total rainfall and its month wise distribution is highly erratic and scanty. The average annual rainfall of the district is 460 mm, the majority of which is received during July to September. The total number of rainy days is less than 20 in a year. Low and erratic rainfall together with low moisture holding capacity of the soil and restricted irrigation facilities hampers potential yield of crops. The grazing land and pasture lands are devoid of vegetation due to low rainfall which again adversely affects production of livestock.